Peter Bates

As the result of a public vote, Hedgehogs have been chosen as the endangered animal that residents would most like East Cambridgeshire District Council to support over the coming year. This means the council can now kick start a Hedgehog Action Plan which will include helping to raise public awareness and working with schools. The […]

Hedgehog Action Plan for East Cambridgeshire Read More »

Fenland SOIL is a not for profit members organisation that aims to inform and develop ‘whole farm’ land use policies, aimed at achieving climate change mitigation and biodiversity enhancement in the Fens, and to help establish an agreed set of numbers for Green House Gas (GHG) emissions for deep, shallow and wasted peat soils. Why

What is Fenland Soil? Read More »

Peatland Progress: A New Vision for the Fens is a 5-year National Lottery Heritage Fund project bringing hope for wildlife, the climate, farming and communities in the Cambridgeshire Fens. The project is tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and the anxieties of the next generation head-on through the restoration of Speechly’s Farm, bringing together the north and

Peatland Progress: A New Vision for the Fens Read More »

The Fens East Peat Partnership (FEPP) is working on plans to rewet and restore peatland sites in low-lying areas of Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep carbon locked in, benefitting the environment, people and wildlife.   Fens East Peatlands – an urgent problem 99% of the Fens East Peatlands

What is the Fens East Peat Partnership? Read More »

The Federation of Small Businesses (fsb) considers that the UK’s 5.5 million small businesses and self-employed are critical to reaching the UK Government’s 2050 net zero target and paving the way to a greener future. But, reducing carbon emissions won’t happen overnight, and the roadmap will look different for every business depending on where you

Why does net zero matter for small businesses? Read More »

On 27 August 2022, the Government announced a new £5m fund to promote the use of peatlands for sustainable farming  – the Paludiculture Exploration Fund (PEF), which seeks to unlock barriers to making commercial paludiculture a reality. Natural England, the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people

Paludiculture – the future of farming on peat soils? Read More »

Bees are vital to a healthy environment and healthy economy, pollinating the vast majority of plants we rely on for food. But changes in climate may be disrupting bees’ nesting behaviour and their emergence after winter. It also means some plants are now flowering at different times to when bees are normally active. Winter is

Get your Bee Saver Kit Read More »

Cambridge Carbon Footprint has been running Open Eco Homes (OEH) for around 14 years mainly in the Cambridge area, but last year there was one house in Ely and this year there are a number of homes based in South Cambridgeshire district.  OEH find householders who have renovated or built new eco homes and help

Cambridgeshire Open ECO Homes 2023 Read More »

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