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Join us in the race against Climate Change.

Our Ethical Statement

“As a Network we are working towards climate justice and engaging the local community of East Cambridgeshire in climate action. Although environmental issues are inherently political, we are strictly non-partisan and not aligned to any political party. We are committed to equality and diversity and try to ensure our events are safe spaces where all feel welcome and can participate.”

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If you want to help create a better future for people, nature and wildlife, join us in the fight against climate change. Together we are stronger. We’d love to have you on board!

By signing up for the mailing list you give permission for East Cambridgeshire Climate Action Network to use your personal information for the purposes of keeping you informed about campaigns, meetings, news relevant to the group, events and other information about environmental issues locally. Your contact information will not be shared with other organisations or individuals and you can opt out of the mailing list at any time.

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