Oxwillow is the environmental arm of the farming business, based at Mount Pleasant Farm, Pymoor, near Ely, East Cambridgeshire focusing on the challenges the Fens are facing in a changing world. With Biodiversity Net Gain becoming mandatory for developers in England from January 2024 they have already established over 150 units for sale within their habitat bank and developing a further 750 units, with the ability to scale up even further according to future demand, all in a high-priority area adjacent to an SSSI, SPA, SAC and Ramsar wetland site.
The Taylor family can trace its roots back to the Ely fens over hundreds of years, and long before the area was drained. From wildfowling and caring for the banks of the New Bedford river to basket making and farming the black soils, being Fen folk and farmers is what they do best. As the Fens have evolved so has the family’s role within them and this knowledge of the past, will to help shape the Fens of the future.
For more information watch the video below and go to the Oxwillow website.