Gardening for Wildlife & Climate Change

Come to Ely Library on Saturday 15 June 2024 between 10:00 hrs and 13:00 hrs to find out more about helping your garden to thrive and become a haven for wildlife as our climate changes.  There will be a specialist talk by Clive Base of Climate Change Gardening who will be speaking at 11:00 hrs in the library.

In addition, Rachael Brown from Cambridgeshire Acre will be on hand to discuss saving water in gardens. She is working with Anglian Water on a project.

Silvana Marceca, from Eco Ely will be around to chat about her experiences of running an ECO-friendly Allotment in Ely.

And because it is National Clean Air Day on the Thursday 20 June 2024, Amanda Halls, from Eco Ely will be encouraging people to get involved .

This year Clean Air Day, is focused on urging the public to use their voices to call on politicians to: 

  • Make walking, cycling, and wheeling safer. 

  • Ensure everyone can access public transport that is reliable, affordable, and efficient. 

Cars and vans are the biggest source of toxic chemicals (NOx) in our air, but many people across the UK don’t feel like they have the choice to travel in cleaner and greener ways. 

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