Ely Cathedral Green Fair

The 2nd Ely Cathedral Green Fair took place on Saturday 5 August 2023 on Palace Green, right beside the Cathedral. As well as the craft, gift and food stalls, this year, it will also feature community-based stalls about the Natural Environment and Climate Change. Unfortunately, it was a very wet soggy day so visitor numbers were down. However, there were some very interesting conversations with those that braved the rain and useful discussion with other community-based projects that could lead onto future projects.  Click on the logos below to get more information about the Community groups that attended and see the photos during the day.

Eco Ely is a community group aimed at like-minded residents of Ely and surrounding villages, who are interested in environmental issues, sustainability, recycling and making a difference where we live.
To inspire, educate, persuade people to take action on the climate crisis, to facilitate a fair transition to net zero carbon emissions and help halt and reverse biodiversity loss in East Cambridgeshire.
Camcycle (the Cambridge Cycling Campaign) is a local charity which has been working for more, better and safer cycling in the Cambridge area since 1995.Innovative sustainable transport based around cycling is important for a city and its surrounding region.
We campaign nationally and locally for positive solutions to safeguard the long-term future of the countryside. Nationally, we produce in-depth research and sound arguments to press the government, Parliament and other decision-makers to support the countryside – by protecting precious green belts, promoting urban renewal and restricting development on greenfield sites, and campaigning for the protection of our most important national landscapes as well as the countryside on our doorstep.
RENEW is group of concerned members of the congregations and clergy of Ely Cathedral. Our initial purpose was to collect information and to initiate changes which would enable us to apply for an Eco Church award through A Rocha. In February 2020, we had made sufficient progress to apply for a silver award. We are now working towards the gold award, and towards Ely Cathedral 2030, so that, in line with General Synod's decision, we will be carbon neutral by this date.
East Cambridgeshire District Council are launching our Species Recovery Programme.  Residents will have a chance to vote and name our chosen animals to support. There will be a trail for children and a Lego animal building play space.
An environmental charity that aims to make places better for people and the planet. We promote sustainable practices to help protect our environment now and to leave a legacy for future generations. Positive change to create greener, happier, healthier places is at the heart of what we do. We deliver innovative projects of local, regional and national significance, enabling change for a smarter future.
We work in the UK and around the world. We carry out conservation work that you can see from space, built from the ground up. We protect habitats, save species, and help to end the nature and climate emergency. We do this through five main work areas: science, species, places, people and policy.
The South East Cambs Badger Group was formed in 2019 to promote and protect the badgers in our county. Some of the activities our members are involved in are: Record and monitor setts Give advice to members of the public Promote badgers through talks and events Rescue badgers in need Record RTA badgers Fundraising
The Wildlife Trust BCN mission is to create a wilder future by protecting and restoring wildlife and wild places across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire, for the benefit of both wildlife and people.
We are a community of dedicated staff, volunteers and members, brought together by a love of wetlands and a drive to protect them. We believe all you need to start making the world a better place is imagination, passion and a trusty pair of boots.
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