Alongside our monthly Earth Cafes which act as social and networking events where people can learn more about environmental issues, we hold monthly planning meetings. These are intended for people who want to find out how to get involved with the groups activities. So come along if you are interested in:
- Helping organise the regular earth cafes
- Contribute to our website
- Want to take on a comittee position e.g. chair or treasurer.
- Want to support our campaigns and projects
- Want to help with other events such as the annual green fair.
- Liase with the library about their climate outreach activities.
- Mobilise others to respond to local consultations and policy decisions related to climate and biodiversity.
- Have an idea for aproject you’d like to initiate under the banner of East Cambs CAN.
Register Here:
Or email: for the zoom link.
Supporting community led action is one of the most effective ways you can help contribute to sovling the climate and wildlfie crisis.