Directory of Local Groups and Book Club

Directory of Local Groups

Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust

Burwell Climate Action Forum

Burwell Climate Action Forum lend support to the community and educate residents on their carbon footprint.

Cambridge Extinction Rebellion

Cambridge Extinction Rebellion fight climate change and act where the government fail to. 

Cambridge Friends of the Earth

Cambridge friends of the Earth are part of the climate change movement and campaign for change.

Cambridge Greenpeace campaign and fundraise to help the planet

Cambridgeshire Tree Planting Community are actively involved in tree planting in the Cambs area.

Cambridge Zero

Cambridge Zero offer resources and courses aimed at helping the University of Cambridge to reduce its impact on the climate.

Eco Ely a local resource for individual actions ranging from reducing waste to improving energy efficiency. Visit the website or join the Facebook group

Ely City Women’s Institute is a community-based organisation that educates on various issues.

Ely Cycle Campaign

Ely Cycle Campaign promote cycling in the area and campaigning for better cycle facilities.

Ely Extinction Rebellion offer direct action and outreach about the climate emergency.

Ely Markets celebrate local businesses.

Ely Litter Pickers

Ely Litter Pickers work to create a cleaner and tidier community for everyone.

Fossil Free Cambridgeshire are a campaign group dedicated to ensuring local institutions and councils divest from fossil fuels to help hasten the transition to zero carbon.

Lease Locally are a neighbourhood-sharing platform for everyday items ranging from tools to tents.

Renew Environment Group

Renew Environment Group are an environmental group for Ely Cathedral that work to reduce the environmental impact of the cathedral and organise community outreach events on environmental topics such as the annual green fair.

Transition Cambridge build a stronger, more versatile community, making use of local resources, growing their own food and reusing and adapting products instead of throwing them away.

Wicken Fen Bird Ringing Group data is invaluable in helping to protect the bird populations. Email the group to find out more.

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Welney

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Welney is a conservation organisation with volunteering opportunities.

Witchford Climate Action Group help the community move towards being Carbon Net-Zero. Email the group to find out more.

Book Club & Recommended Reading

Find recommendations of books, infographics, reading materials, podcasts, YouTube channels and reports for sustainability, climate science, wildlife, ecological anxiety and clean tech. We will update this page regularly so keep an eye on it for recommendations. If you come across something useful please email it to us at

Useful Infographics and Websites

 IPCC explainers: 

Other Links and websites

  • Find out your carbon footprint with the Carbon Footprint Calculator and tips on how to reduce this.
  • Project Drawdown is a guide to solutions to help the world bend that emissions curve down as fast and equitably as possible.


  • A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet by Sarah Jaquette Ray

This book outlines a series of strategies for fighting for climate justice. More Info

  • The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg

A compilation from 100 contributors to give you a definitive guide about climate change and what we can do about it. More info

  • How to Save Our Planet, The Facts by Mark A. Maslin

This book discusses how we can protect the future of our planet in clear, concise language. Think of it as a how-to guide. More info

  • A Gift for Conversation by Dr Louis Keal

A book designed to equip the reader with the tools needed to feel more confident talking about environmental issues and then be given as a gift to friends and family. Available to buy for a donation or download for free as a PDF here

Relevant Blogs

  • The Battle for Hope in the Anthropocene – a blog post from one of our members, Jethro Gauld, PhD Researcher at the University of East Anglia discusses the impact of climate change, why the governments have been so slow to act and the denial of the problems.

Useful Videos and Podcasts

  • Inside the Mind of A Climate Scientist: Professor Corinne Le Quéré, world-leading climate scientist from the University of East Anglia presents a Ted talk about her perspective on the climate crisis.
  • Climate Adam: Videos about all things climate by Climate Scientist with PhD from the University of Oxford. He explains these important issues and topics in a clear and humorous way.
  • ClimateTown: This channel has an American focus but is relevant to many of the issues in Europe and the UK too. Presented by Rollie Williams, who is an expert in climate policy.
  • Reasons to be Cheerful: A weekly podcast by Ed Milliband and Geoff Lloyd about many different topics related to sustainability and civil rights. 
  • ZeroCarbonista: A regular podcast from Dale Vince, founder of the renewable energy company Ecotricity.
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